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2014年4月24日 星期四

David Music Center: New Courses in May

Dear Friends, Collegues and Students:

Leung Sir is glad to inform all of you that some new courses to prepare for the Trinity Examination in November 2014, and new syllabus for 2015 May LMusTCL examination will be offered in the coming May.

Please refer to the course descriptions as follows:

1. AMusTCL Comprehensive Course for Nov. 2014 examination (total 24 lessons)

     Date/Time: waiting for request (Every Monday 8:30pm to 10:00pm)

2. LMusTCL Set Piece A Study - I (Haydn Piano Sonata, 12 lessons):
    The Historical Development of Keyboard Sonata: Form, Type, Style and Asethetics

    Date/Time: May 22 2014 (Every Thursday 11:00am to 12:30pm) (group study)

3. LMusTCL Set Piece B Study - I (Schubert's Swan Song, 12 lessons)

    Music Analysis and Interpretation III: The Study of German Lied

    Date/Time: May 14, 2014 (Every Monday 11:00am to 12:30pm) (class study)

4. LMusTCL Comprehensive Preparatory Course for 2015 LMus Syllabus (total 12 lessons)

    Music Analysis and Interpretation I: The Study of Chromatic Harmony in Romantic Period

    Date/Time: May 21, 2014 (Every Wednesday 8:30pm to 10:00pm) (group study)

5. AMusTCL Comphrensive Course for Nov exam. (24 lessons)

    Date/Time: Waiting for request (Tuesday 11:30am to 1:00pm)

6. LMusTCL Preparatory Course for May 2015 syllabus (Mahler Set piece for 2015)

Symphony as Philosophy: The Development of the Symphonic Music in Historical Context

Date/Time: Anytime when 5 students come (please propose)

Please contact Leung Sir for detailed course description.

May you have a fruitful study year!

David Leung



