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Life without Music Learning is a Mistake !

Let Learning Accompanies Your Long Life Journey !

If you want to learn more about music, please visit my blog:

Music and Arts: http://theorydavid.blogspot.com/


2014年3月11日 星期二

New Courses in March 2014

New Courses in March 2014

Dear students and friends,
I have much pleasure to inform all my friends and students that my personal website has been established. Please continue to give support to my new website for any new courses information as well as my new academic and informal articles.

The website address: http://www.davidmusiccenter.com/
Of course, my personal blogger- Music and Arts - in google will continue to work for a period of time. However, I will slowly transfer all my publications to the new website.
Thank you for your attention.

The new course offering in March is as follows:

The LMus Prep. Course for Nov 2014 Exam have started in December 2013.
The course will contain about 4 separate units centering on four main areas.
The unit 2, Revision on Musical Styles in Historical Context, will commence on every Monday morning in March 17, 2014.
1. Music Analysis and Interpretation for Songs and Piano Repertories
– focused on score/formal analysis on short piece
2. Revision on Musical Styles in Historical Context
– focused on basic historical knowledge on the development of musical genres and styles
3. Set Piece Study A or B (upon students’ choice)
4. Papers Revision and exploring the Techniques of Answering Essay Question
– All sample papers will be provided

Since the topics discussed in each unit is rather flexible and it depends on
Students’ experiences and ability, the details of each topic, thus, are not fixed.
For more information about the content of each unit, please refer to the Course Description.

1. Date:  (Monday)
2. Time: 11:00am — 1:00pm
3. Venue: 2708, Ho King Comm. Center, Mongkok
4. Contact information: davidmusiccenter@yahoo.com.hk

Interested Party please feels free to inform me for details.
Hope you will have a fruitful studying year !

David Leung

