謝謝各同學支持。不知道何時才能開 Schenkerian Analysis Part II 呢?
今次的課程只能完成基本 concepts 和 各種 prolongation 的技巧。同學們最多做一些簡單的section 或是短歌,還沒有去到可以用 Schenkerian Analysis 去分析Form,比如 Sonata 等。
David Leung
雖然我不知道下一次這個高級音樂理論分析法是何時,至少,期望這班同學能夠掌握基本的分析思維,這有助他們日後處理任何調性音樂的分析。在第一課時,我極力強調,這個分析法很講求聽覺的自然判斷。所以,我不用任何閱讀才料,只用短小的範例去開始,讓同學們用他自然的聽力,雖然或會分析有錯,去對樂曲片段作一些粗略分析。他們日後習慣了音樂的結構進行後,才一點點仔細閱讀有關 Schenkerian 的理論,慢慢改正其分析的細節。
Dear David,
It is very funny to go through Schenkerian tonight. Actually, I just discovered I have been doing very similar things for many years. I could always spot which note is more important since I was a child and I always ask my student not to make certain note wrong. Or, I will be very angry, because "you will destroy the whole piece". Yes, and they all know that. The working philosophy is quite similar, just the main difference is that I could not explain why. So, it seemed very natural for me to go through the course.
I have asked people whether there are something like that in music for me to explore, and no one said there was one. New Discovery, interesting!
Thanks for providing the course, by the way,
Leung Sir 上
Dear students,
It is a good new that Leung Sir Music Center is going to offer a new course on advance music analysis.
Please leave down your contact email or phone if you are interested in. Further information about this course, please don't hesitate to email Leung Sir (
Have you ever heard of Schenkerian Analysis? This is a very useful analytical theory to help us to understand the tonal structure as well as the way of composing out of tonal musical works. Such theory is so famous that performers, as well as composers and piano teachers are eager to learn. LeungSir believes that no private music sectors will offer such course.
Leung Sir will tailor this theory to suitable students of different levels so that they can understand and make use of it according to their needs.
The whole course will include the following topics:
1. Brief introduction to Schenkerian Analysis
2. Melody and Counterpoint
3. Bass Linge and Harmonic Structure
4. Linear techniques
5. Tonal Strucutre
6. Techniques of Melodic Prolongation
7. Some Basic of Fundamental Structures
8. Some Common Tonal Patterns
9. Introduction to Graphic Notation
10. Set Pieces Discussion
Students should possess qualified Harmony knowledge in order to fully assimilate the concept of this theory.
Number of lessons: 10
Date : August 10 2011 (Wednesday)
Time: 8:00pm to 10:00pm
Students : 6-8
(All materials will be provided)
David Leung