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2017年2月7日 星期二

Call for Students: Examination for New Trinity Diplomatic Syllabus


Since the new syllabus of Trinity Diplomatic Examination contains a lot of new elements, the studying contents will be quite different from that of the previous years. Now, David Leung has adjusted the teaching programs of music theory, music history and compositional theory. The followings are some new courses offered in the year 2017 onward.

Dear students and colleagues,

David Music Center is going to offer some new courses to suit the new diplomatic examination syllabus of Trinity College, London.

The courses are listed as follows:

1.      LMusTCL preparatory Unit I:

Piano Music Development in Historical Context (Baroque to 20th Century)

Time: Monday morning: 10:00am—11:30am

Time: Tuesday morning: 9:30am – 11:00pm

Time: Monday evening: 7:15pm—8:45pm

2.      LMusTCL Preparatory Unit II:

Analyzing and Composing for Piano Variations and String Quartet in Romantic Harmonic Idioms

   Time: Tuesday morning: 12:30pm – 2:00pm

3.      AMusTCL Extensive Preparatory Course (based on new syllabus and set piece)

4.      LTCL Music Composition Part I Study:

Writing for string quartet and woodwind quartet in contemporary music style

(students will learn 20th century compositional techniques)

5.      LTCL Music Composition Part II Study:

a.       Writing for Variations and Cadenza passages in Tonal Harmonic style

b.      Orchestration Techniques

c.       Writing programmatic incidental orchestral music

d.      Writing string quintet in Late Romantic style

Time: Tuesday evening: 7:00pm to 8:30pm

     Thursday morning: 11:00pm – 12:30pm

Friends, students and colleagues are welcome to email to me for further details of the courses. All timeslots of the courses are flexible. Please suggest any timeslots for the above studies.

David Leung

PhD (Candidacy), MPhil, BMus, LRSM, LTCL

