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Life without Music Learning is a Mistake !

Let Learning Accompanies Your Long Life Journey !

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Music and Arts: http://theorydavid.blogspot.com/


2015年4月13日 星期一

Call for Students for Lmus and Fmus Preparatory Units

Dear all, colleagues, friends and students,

It seems too busy for me in this few months to call for students since I have prepared my research proposal for the International Symposioum held at Geneve University in this coming October.

After the AMus examination, I would like to call for students for the following preparatory units.

1. FMus Research Seminars  (New) - two students are waiting more students to form a study group for reading papers and determine the research topics for FMusTCL.
Since this is a special arrangement for students, when the interested parties contact me, please state your background and topic area, so that I can prepare different choices of papers to discuss in the seminar.

Monday (12:30pm to 2:00pm)-- start at any time.

2. LMusTCL Preparatory Unit 1- Music Analysis and Interpretation.
    Wednesday 11.30pm to 1:00pm -- start at any time

3. LMusTCL Set Piece Study: The Development of  Symphony in Classicism
    Tuesday 12;30pm to 2:00pm.

4. Harmony and Vocie leading I (Grade 8 level) : Monday: 7:00pm to 8:30pm

5. Contemporary Composition: Impressionism

Wednesday 7:00pm to 8:30pm

6. LMusTCL Set Piece Study- Mahler's Symphony no 4 and its Symbolic Meaning
   Wednesday 8:30pm to 10:00pm

Interested parties please do not hesitate to contact me for details.

May you have a fruitful study year!

David Leung (published)

