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Life without Music Learning is a Mistake !

Let Learning Accompanies Your Long Life Journey !

If you want to learn more about music, please visit my blog:

Music and Arts: http://theorydavid.blogspot.com/


2013年11月29日 星期五

New Courses in December 2013

Dear students and friends,

December is a month of hoildays. Hope all of you having a fruitful new year.

David Leung is now recruiting students for the following courses. There is no fixed day to start the courses. When enough students come (4 - 5 students), we can start the course at once.

1. Monday 11:00am to 1:00pm. (December any date)

    LMusTCL preparation comprehensive course:
     Contents include:
     1. Music Analysis and Interpretation Revision
         (Part A  Questions)
     2. Music History and Styles Revision
         (Part B Questions)
     3. Set Pieces Study (either Haydn Sonata or Schubert Schwangensang)
          Choose by students in the group.
     4. Papers Revison
         (Practicisng Papers)

Students who want to prepare examination next year (May or November) is recommended to start learning now. We will start the course when students are enough for a group.

2. AMusTCL preparation comprehensive course (December any date)

     Students who want to take May examination of AMusTCL are welcome to join.

     Wednesday :
      10:00am to 11:30am (start when students are enough).

Thank for your kind attention.
Interested party please inform David Leung by email.

David Leung
2013-11-29 (published)

