The LMustcl course unit 5 : Musical Analysis and Intrepretation III: Musical Form and Genre Analysis
will open on March 12 (Monday)
Time : 8:15pm -- 9:45pm
The whole course will last for12 lessons.
Please notify me through email if any one is interested in joining this course.
Please refer to the course details as follows:
單元五: 音樂的分析與詮釋 III-- 曲式與樂種的研究
此課程乃LMusTCL高級樂理文憑課程的增設必修單元。寫了應付 LMusTCL高級樂理考試頗為廣闊的考試範圍,本課程補遺了 “單元二:音樂分析與詮釋 I ” 裡未曾探討的樂曲分析理論,以幫助學員進一步應付更多不同時代,風格和體裁的樂曲分析。此課程包括兩個重點研究部份。就是基本曲式和音樂結構的探討。學員可以從本課程學得古典至二十世紀的西方音樂基本曲式及其相關樂種與風格的發展經過。分析的範圍,包括從小型舞曲的二段和三段體,以至大型交響曲和協奏曲的奏鳴曲式和二十世紀音樂的拱形曲式等。
1. Structural Units, Phenomena, Functions
2. Two Part Form and Three Part Form
3. Various Baroque Dance Forms and Imitative Procedures
4. Variation Form
5. Rondo Principle
6 Sonata Principle
7. Genre and Form
8. Generic Ambiguity
9. Mixture of Genres
10. Generic Contract -- Musical Structure and Aesthetics
2. Two Part Form and Three Part Form
3. Various Baroque Dance Forms and Imitative Procedures
4. Variation Form
5. Rondo Principle
6 Sonata Principle
7. Genre and Form
8. Generic Ambiguity
9. Mixture of Genres
10. Generic Contract -- Musical Structure and Aesthetics
堂數: 10堂,每堂 2 小時
講授語言 : 粵語及英語
入學資格: 八級樂理以上或相等程度