Welcome to Join Our Study Group !

Life without Music Learning is a Mistake !

Let Learning Accompanies Your Long Life Journey !

If you want to learn more about music, please visit my blog:

Music and Arts: http://theorydavid.blogspot.com/


2011年11月29日 星期二

Six Lecture-Talks of Contemporary Music: Philospohy, Aesthetics and Meaning

Dear all friends and students,

Leung Sir's new course on December 15 Thursday Night 8:00pm -- 10:00pm.

Interested one please contact Leung Sir through email. For any questions, you are strongly welcome to contact me.

Please refer to the following lecture descriptions.

Thank for forwarding this information to your music-lover friends.

Thank you.

David Leung (theorydavid)

2011-11-29 (published)

2011年11月17日 星期四

LMusTCL Unit 1 - Development of Musical Style in Historical Context


Leung Sir Music Center 會在 Nov 26,逢星期一晚上開辦

LMusTCL unit1 -- 西方音樂風格的歷史發展


詳程請參閱以下暫定 schedule

有興趣報讀的同學請與  Leung Sir 聯絡。如需要知道有關LMusTCL 課程的羊細資料,也可聯

絡 Leung sir。

梁 sir 上